Looking for a Gift Idea? Consider a Gift Card from Papaspiros Restaurant 728 Lake Street Oak Park
#ShopLocal #ShopSmall #PapaspirosRestaurant #GreekRestaurant #MediterraneanRestaurant #TakeOut25OakPark

Holiday Gift Cards Available Now at Paapaspiros Oak Park 728 Lake Street
and Papaspiros Chicago 3517 N. Spaulding Ave

Kokonisto Braised Leg of Lamb with Red Sauce and Choice of Two Sides
Kretikos Red Wine

Flame Broiled Lamb Chop Entree with Choice of Sides

Whitefish Dinner with Mixed Vegetables or Rice Pilaf

Salmon Entrees Available Now at Papaspiros Restaurant Oak Park or Papaspiros Chicago 3517 N. Spaulding Ave Chicago IL 60618
Papaspiros Restaurant
Oak Park
728 Lake Street
Oak Park IL
Avondale, Chicago
3517 N. Spaulding Ave
Chicago IL 60618
