Enjoy a Cool Refreshing Ouzo with Your Grilled Salmon Steak Tonight at Papaspiros! Opa!
Papaspiros Restaurant 728 Lake Street Oak Park IL 60302 (708) 358-1700 www.papaspiroslive.com www.baroakpark.com

Enjoy an Aromatic Smooth Kretikos Red Wine With Your Kokonisto Leg of Lamb at Papaspiros Restaurant
Enjoy a smooth aromatic Kretikos wine from the Islands of Greece with your authentic Kokonisto Braised Leg of Lamb. www.baroakpark.com www.p

Celebrate Thursday Night Out at Papaspiros Restaurant! Pair a Lamb Chop Dinner with Kretikos Red or
Enjoy a Lamb Chop Dinner with Kretikos Red Wine, or an Arni Psito Roasted and Braised Sliced Lamb with Lemon Sauce. Pairs with Roditis Rose.

Enjoy an International Wine Selection This Evening at Papaspiros Restaurant!
Enjoy an International Wine Selection This Evening at Papaspiros Restaurant and Bar 728 Lake Street Oak Park IL
(708) 358-1700 papaspirosliv

Enjoy an Elegant Selection From Our Cicerone Servers with your Meal at Papaspiros Restaurant and Bar
Enjoy a beautiful selection off of our Souvlaki Kebab Menu at Papaspiros and pair it with a Roditis Rose traditional for the Greek Islands.

Enjoy Your Beer and Wine With Certified Cicerone Servers!
Enjoy a wide selection of Beers, Wines and Mixed Drinks from across the world served by professional Cicerones and Bartenders papaspiroslive