Try a Delicious Lamb Chop Dinner This Evening at Papaspiros!
#GreekLambChops #GreekRestaurantsChicagoIL #GreekRestaurantsOakParkIL #RicePilaf #GreekPotato #KretikosRedWine

It's National Hamburger Day! Try One From Papaspiros This Evening!

Celebrate The Weekend With a Cool Refreshing Martini at Papaspiros!
Papaspiros Full Service Bar has many special options to choose from. Ask your server for details! We are located at 728 Lake Street in...

Enjoy Live Music From Simply Kathleen and Friends! 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm.
#LiveMusic #Dancing #Karaoke #SmoothJazz #OakParkIL #RockandRoll #RythmnandBlues #Soul #Jazz #Oldies #ClassicRock #GreekRestaurants...

Enjoy Specials This Weekend at Papaspiros Like a 14 Oz New York Strip Steak, or Swordfish Kebab!
Enjoy some specials of the house this Friday through Sunday evenings at Papaspiros Restaurant 728 Lake Street Oak Park Illinois! For...

Enjoy Special Selections This Weekend Like Kokonisto Leg of Lamb with Kretikos Wine
Enjoy a Kokonisto Braised Leg of Lamb at Papaspiros Restaurant with Rice Pilaf or Greek Potato and Vegetables. www.papaspiroslive.com

Enjoy Some Freshwater Smelts with Scordalia this Evening at Papaspiros!
#GreekSmallPlates #GreekMeze #GreekTapas #PotatoGarlicSpread #Scordalia #TartarSauceAlternative

Enjoy an Authentic Chicken Sharas Dinner This Evening at Papaspiros Restaurant
#ChickenSharas #GrilledChicken #BarbecuedChicken #Grilling #GreekChicken #MarinatedChicken #HealthyChickenRecipes #MothersDay

Toast Mother's Day With Papaspiros!
Mediterranean Sea Bass with Kretikos Red Wine, Rice and Spinach Drizzled with Lemon Butter Herb Sauce.

Enjoy a Combination Plate at Papaspiros this Evening! Opa!
#CombinationPlatedinner #PapaspirosRestaurant